Sunday, August 17, 2008

First week of classes

My grad classes have been started and I completed my first week. Just by looking at this past week, I can gurantee you that I will be super busy with my weekends :( and won't really get any time for myself. I am taking two courses this semester, Algorithms and Artificial Intelligence (AI), both of which are harder than my last class, Database Systems.

AI's professor seems good and the activities are very interactive so the problems make more sense and students learn better. We have homeworks due every week :( and I just spent my entire weekend trying to finish the homework that's due tomorrow :(:(. I still haven't completed it as I have some doubts in one of my solutions but I will figure it out before I go to bed (hopefully?).

Algorithm's professor on the other hand is really nice too, very smart, and funny. Before she starts the class, she asks if anyone got a good joke to tell, if not, she just throws some joke in which either is funny or sarcastic or something which ends up being funny. This class is going to be tough too since there is a lot to cover. I have 10 pages of notes just in 2 lectures so imagine how much material she could cover in one lecture. Her notes makes sense but somehow it seems she teaches fast in class. I guess I will get used it once couple of weeks passes and before the semester ends :P.

That's it for now. Ohh...the rain kinda cooled down colorado which was nice :). It was nice to have that change. Let's hope it doesn't continue raining because that brings the cloudy weather which is dark and depressing.

1 comment:

LlamajitKaur said...

The rain was definitely nice - it always feels so pleasant and cool after rain. Good luck with your classes!