Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Around the Clock Schedule!

Dear blog and blog readers,
Sorry I have not been able to keep up with the blog entries. It's because my hectic/busy/exhausting schedule that I hardly get any time to do anything else other than work and study. My school is almost over so I'll be free after I'm done with my finals. On weekdays, I have about 12-13 hour long days from Monday through Thursday. I leave around 7:30 am and come back home around 7:30/8 pm. By the time I get home I am completely out of energy. Many people are happy when Friday comes b/c it's the last weekday at work and you get the saturday, sunday off, well not in my schedule. I have friday packed with other work items and my weekends are just as busy as weekdays. My most of the saturdays have been on campus trying to finish the homework that's due the following week. Sunday's schedule is somewhat similar to saturday except that I'm finishing homework at home instead of going to campus. At work, during September/October month, one of my colleague was gone for 5 week vacation so covering for him was a big task. In the month of November, another collegue is gone for training in India so I'm covering for him which has caused a lot of work. Right when he left, all the testing problems had to occure :P. Ohh don't forget, my class schedule in between all this chaos. I have my first final exam on Dec. 6 and second one on Dec. 11. I will truly be relieved after that. I have got a big project demo in front of more than 100 developers on Dec. 9th which I'm really nervous about so Wish me Luck!! I've worked really hard on this project and to present it in front of this big group of people is nervewrecking! When you have group of people where there are developers who have been with the company for a decade and who are so experienced is the ones that scare me the most since they'll always have some input different from others. Well, let's see how it goes..I'll keep you posted once it's done.

I would also like to update my music reviews section since I've been listening to some of the songs non-stop and would like to share them with you. After all, music is the source of relaxation in the midst of all this hectic routine :).

Well that's it for now. Thanks to the Thanksgiving break at school that's given me some free time to write this blog. I'll write more once my finals are over.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
Love :)

1 comment:

LlamajitKaur said...

Happy belated Thanksgiving, Sunshine! You are a busy girl. Best of luck with your exams! Hope it gets less hectic for you once they're over.